Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Winterfest Meet - Farmington Hills

Cal Trish had her second meet on Sunday. She placed 6th All Around and her team took 3rd place! It was a lot of fun watching these competitive little girls shine!
The team: Coach Ashley and Coach Alyssa
Cal, Sarah, Natalie
Sydney, Olivia, Jada
The 3rd Place Winners & First Trophy!

6th Place All-Around!

Bar Routine: 8.425 (8th Place)

Beam: 8.600 (8th Place)

Floor: 8.775 (5th Place)

Vault: 8.25 (3rd Place)

Vault 2

Snowmageddon 2011!!!!!

Blizzard 2011 is set to arrive this evening. The weather reports say this will (perhaps) be the biggest storm in 40 years. It is going to hit 60% of the country. We'll see! I'll post the before and after pics to capture for all posterity. I had to shovel this morning, no Here is the before: