It was only later that I found out that I never even saw the aquaium, nor the river you could actually fish in! I guess that means we are destined to return another day.
Since that day, Matt also purchased a nice new 200 lb. deer feeder which he and Tyler recently installed at CampOsto. This is one of those fancy shmancy ones with the automatic timer that releases a specified amount of food at times during the day. Here bambi, bambi, bambi.
He has also commenced with the bow target shooting in my back yard. Now next to my lovely flower bed filled with gladiolas, cosmos and dahlia's sits "Bucky" and the bean bag target. Why???
He has also started Tivo-ing all the hunting specials from the Hunting Channel (another favorite of mine) to watch and prepare? I TRY to tell him that these are tame deer that someone is luring to the kill with a nice juicy sugar beet and by calling the deer by name, but he doesn't believe me.
With all of these "investments" as Matt calls them, he better get a stinking deer this year. Otherwise I'm afraid of the new things we will have to purchase to get ourselves a buck with a bow or a gun! (or a duck for that matter)
I love you honey, I'm glad you have a hobby...I just wish it only lasted two months, instead of all year!