Finally, it feels like spring! The grass is green and the flowers are blooming! The sun is warm and after 7 yards of mulch, the yard is looking beautiful! I can't wait to plant my annuals in a few more weeks.
Baseball is in full swing (ha!) and the kids and I are at the park almost every night. They are improving their games and Chooch is busy wrastlin' with some new little kid he met. literally.
The artwork shown called, Tree in the Park, is by T. He was chosen as artist of the month and this was featured in the elementary school art show. I love his work. I am not sure who the original artist was that painted this. If you know - please advise.
Again, Happy 30th bday to Joe B Pyle. We had fun at your party. Fun with Russ, Amy, Brad and Shellie too. Can't beat Kale's for some good ol' smokey, karoke, beer drinkin' times.
Matt is now in barbecue grill heaven sporting a new Weber! I expect to be eating a lot of meat this summer. (I know, "That's what she said")!