Monday, July 30, 2007

The last of July '07

July has been a month of highs and lows. I can't believe it is almost over. That means summer is almost over in my book as August will fly by in a crazy heat wave and then we will play the back to school scramble!

Cal lost her two front teeth! They were pulled by her "personal dentist" who happens to be her cousin, Riley.

We had a couple of awesome outings at Camp Osto. The most recent was this past Thursday and Friday nights. Our gang + Riley, Hunter and Dan. The best part of this trip, in my opinion, (*note others may have a different version of this story) was our tubing ADVENTURE! We tubed past our normal spot to the 50th Street Bridge. We had no idea how long this would take by tube, but when we started asking we heard Three Hours. These reports came when we were already floating down the mighty Muskegon. Ouch. About 1/2 hour into the trip, Chooch announces he has to poo! Yikes! No problem with Papa Dan in the parade...he whips down Chooch's suit, floats him over the edge of the tube and tells him to "go". "THERE IT WENT!" exclaims Chooch and he was right....there IT went! Hilarious. ("out redneck" that one, George!)

Float, float, stop and swim, catchaturtle, watchacrawfish, float, float, float. Sky starts to look dark and stormy...rain begins to fall, gentle at first, then with a pelting intensity that made all but the most hardy of us (basically me and Dan) begin to cry and complain. "We're having fun, dammit!" is my exclamation, yet we are worried it may begin to storm soon. We find a cottage, beg a ride and are rescued by a Navy wife and her two little kids. We are still 45 minutes from 50th Street bridge by tube, but seriously 4 minutes by truck. CRAZY! Back on dry land and safe from any impending doom, we decide we had fun anyways. I tell the kids they will never forget this tubing adventure and will someday look back on it with fond memories (let's hope)!

Killer bass catching, campfire, rummikub, shooting the 22, driving the old Ford (Black Beauty) and drives for ice cream make the weekend complete!

Saturday we head back home and then Matt and I make the cross-state trip for my impromptu class reunion. (which is a 17 year class reunion, if you are counting...which I obviously am not). It was great to see some of my old friends and teammates and to catch up on all the years. The girls looked much better than the guys too, which was amusing to us!


Anonymous said...

If you dont think that I can "out redneck" a 3yr old pooping in the river, you are sorely mistaken madam.....GAME ON!

Anonymous said...

Mark my words...George will not stop until he wins the redneck challenge...and I'll need therapy to recover from it.

AmyO said...

George, let's do some math...
Tatoo with someone's name you love somewhere on your body? zero
Hand pump for your well + no electricity? nope + nope
Shat in a bucket lately? nada
Kick ass ol' beater truck? nil

By my count that's Osto's (5) and you (zilch)....hmmm

Anonymous said...

by my guess george is getting his non-redneck pretty boy butt kicked....

Anonymous said...

Homes I've raided have the following:
No electricity....check
No water....check
Poo in buckets...check
Dude with tat's all over....check
Broken down hoopty......check

By my calculations you people arent rednecks at all...

Anonymous said...

I have it on good authority that George has used electrical wire for a belt. That's redneck.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it was a belt?

AmyO said...

Maybe I'm ghetto fabulous!