Thursday, August 30, 2007

August 31 - Part Two

Happy Anniversary to Dan and Nancy Osto!
39 years of wedded bliss! Nancy, how did you do it!?! I mean, Dan, how did you do it!?!
Just kidding! Your enduring marriage is a testament of your relationship. We look to you for love, support, advice and inspiration daily. We love you!

In honor of your anniversary (and because I didn't get you a "real" gift), I decided to transform you into my favorite Gray's Anatomy characters. Weird, I know, but I am a geek. Dan you look a lot like Patrick Dempsey!


Anonymous said...

Aw, how sweet. Thanks. Just don't ask Mark, Riley & Hunter about the cake....
Love ya

Anonymous said...

I've been telling Nancy for years to grow her hair out like that. HAHA.