Babygirl got her hair cut, it is so cute. She decided when we got home she needed her nails done too. She's a diva so I indulged, even meticulously applying teeny tiny stickers to each nail.
I've been trying to learn how to play the guitar since I was 11. Self-taught. I did take lessons once as a college elective back in the day. {Osto thinks this is funny that I (ok - my parents) actually paid tuition money for me to take such classes as guitar, downhill skiing and swimming. I claim it is part of my well-rounded college experience. Ok, and that I had so many "general electives" I had to fulfill in order to actually graduate...I digress} Sadly my guitar "professor" was a stoner. He got kicked out of the school the semester after I got my A- for smoking something with students (it was not me, Mom). Did I retain? No. Did I practice? No. Do I still want to be able to jam around the Camp Osto campfire? Yes! Anyways...too bad I don't know anyone in any local bands who could give a girl a free lesson...or maybe come and play at Camp Osto this summer...
Gotta give a shout out to my Mom, who finally after a year and a half, posted a comment on my blog! (note to readers: bloggers crave the comment like a crack whore on Division). Thanks Mom, you'll never know the ways you inspire me. If I only had that cleaning gene you possess...
Speaking of cleaning...I bought a new vacuum with Osto's poker winnings. Um, I mean, overtime earnings. It is really gross to discover what has been lurking in my carpet. It's called the Bissell Healthy Home Vac...note - I am buying locally made in the US of A products!
Work is manic - very busy, sorta confusing, compounded by strange people who have no clue...I guess I thrive in that environment. I'm very adaptable. Working in customer service is funny. You have to be compassionate even when you think every person is an idiot.
Speaking of idiots....Osto and I have decided that 85% of the population are idiots. Part II of this story is that I am not a people person. Really, that's probably another post.
T-Bird is doing awesome in school...aceing 5th grade math and anything they throw his way. He started phase II of fencing. I still do not understand this sport. I need to Google it.
I love Google. Why, why, why didn't I buy stock in this blasted company? My Dad, Matt, and I figured we would be millionaires had we just invested $10,000 when this stock launched. My sister-in-law's brother works there and it sounds like the coolest place to work on this earth. They have video games, fully stocked snack bars, and more! Companies seriously underrate the power of a full stocked snack bar and fridge. Gallup scores would be rockin' if we had this at work. I consider this as "having the tools I need to do my job" in a heartbeat!
The Chooch is hell on wheels. Terrible two's at three and a half. That kid can whine! WOW! He is stubborn one minute and sweet as pie the next. We are on the hunt for Jango Fett. If you know of one that I don't have to bid for on e-bay, let me know.
Ok...I'm out of ramblings. Peace out!
Finally, you are link to my home....Love Cal's hair, love you all.
I knew you'd be the first to comment!
So, that makes me one of your suppliers (crack whore on division)....:)
Well fellow blogger, I AGREE with the whole comment thing.....So many people look and so few comment....I get up everyday hopin' for comments! Perhaps they won't understand how cool it is to write and have people comment.
I too have always wanted to play guitar. I took lessons for one year in junior high and can play the chords to the "edmund fitzgerald" but thats about it! My father in law is self taught. He says the key is just trying to play everyday....Best of luck and keep up your rantings....I look forward to readin' em!
You are back and you are funny!
Does your new vacuum have the clear canister so you can see the nasty fruits of your labor? There is nothing like seeing those fresh lines in the carpet. I sing Hallelujah as all the dog hair falls out of the canister and into the trash. I heart my Dyson.
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