Thursday, February 07, 2008

Space Shuttle Launch

Space Shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to launch today at 2:45 pm (EST). Nana and Papa Osto are going to be at the actual launch. I found this great NASA website that streams the launch live. If you can take a break, check it out.


GRPOA said...

kinda wierd I left he Houston comment after I was itching for some Camp Osto posts.....And now you are doin a post about the shuttle!


Hope they take lots of pics

Anonymous said...

We just got home,(8:30) it was AWESOME.
Just before the final 5 minute count down, the whole crowd sings The National Anthem, and when you watch the ship rise out of that white smoke and it is SO bright, it literally takes your breath away......and brings a tear to your eye..