I was talking with my oldest son over the weekend about grandparents. I told him he was very lucky to have 4 grandparents and 2 great grandparents in his life.
Both of my grandfathers died when I was very little. My memories of them are very few; sometimes I'm not even sure if it is the photographs of them that I remember, or actual events or stories my parents have shared with me about them. I can't help but think I may have missed out some great "grandfather" type adventures, experiences, life lessons, etc. if I had only known them longer.
I was lucky enough to have my great grandparents until I was about 12, one sweet little old grandma who would sing me songs in Welsh and watch my dance routines over and over. One funny old grandpa who had suffered a stroke and who couldn't talk but could still get his point across with laughter. I love the stories my grandma and her sisters and brothers tell of coming to America, the hardscrabble childhood of living through the depression, the way their mother could stretch a little amount of food to feed 10 people. Life was hard but there was (and still is) a lot of love in that family.
But, until you see your own parents interacting with your children, you don't really appreciate the whole grandparent thing. I mean from the kid perspective they are always great, especially if they are the type to have you over for sleepovers, buy your favorite candy for you, bake you homemade donuts, let you stay in your pajamas all day, or slip money in your pocket when you kiss them goodbye - all of things my grandmothers did. But not necessarily things mom or dad allowed. Isn't that the fun part? "You never let me do that when I was a kid!?!"
It is great to have that extended circle of people who love your children as you do (they will say "more than" we do). People that teach your kids the same exact stuff you try to, only from a different perspective and usually with a kinder, gentler approach: how to catch and clean fish, about what it means to be "team Osto", how to make a paperdoll, throw a football, play poker, dress up like a pirate, bake cookies, drive a boat, properly manicure one's nails, sit quietly in church or dive in a pool the right way.
People who take them for the night or weekend or week and let me remember what it was like before the "little people invasion" began. Thanks!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
What does this mean?
I pass this tree, which we have dubbed the "shoe tree" on our way up north to the family cottage. It is in the middle of nowhere, outside a really small rural town.
What is the significance of throwing shoes into a tree?
**Ok, I googled "shoe tree" and found this.
Apparently, "Shoe Trees may be the greatest embodiment of the American Spirit you can find on the highway (free of admission charge, anyway)."
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Good Luck Squib!
Squib is heading off to Iraq.
Be safe and know there will be lot of people thinking about you
and praying for you and your family.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Life with puppy
It has been 10 years since Osto and I had our first puppy - a wedding present we named Maggie. It's funny how you forget what it is like having one around, it really is like having a baby. Marley is so funny and sweet. Puppy breath and puppy feet and sharp little puppy teeth. I could just eat her up. She is also up in the middle of the night full of piss and vinegar wanting to play at 3 am. Osto and I are playing the ol' "your turn" game. She also likes to eat with one or more of her feet in the food dish!
Today, Osto had to go meet some friends for lunch so he "puppy proofed" our laundry/bath room and locked her in. She was there for about two hours by the time I got home. I could hear her crying when I came in the house. So much for puppy proof! She pulled the duct-taped cardboard down and finagled her way around my washer and dryer - it looked like a dust bunny exploded in there! She knocked over a mop which blocked the door making it difficult to even open the door. Finally when I could get in, all I could see was her rear end sticking out from between the wall and the dryer. Somehow she had managed to get herself stuck in a wooden clothes dryer that was in the crevice. She cried like a baby. She wasn't hurt, just scared and needed to be held for a good 20 minutes after that episode! Poor baby. Needless to say, we've got her crate fixed up so she will be safe and sound the next time she has to stay home.
All in all, I think she is adjusting to her new "pack" and liking having all the kids around to play with - big and small!
This evening, the Chooch fell asleep and I took this cute shot of him and Marley. 
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter and Adoption
First of all, Happy Easter!

Secondly, I have to say that my baby, who is now approaching 4, doesn't seems so much like a baby. He has already mastered the manly art of quoting movie lines (girls don't really do this) and has perfected the art of sword fighting.
The point of my not having a baby is that I want a baby. Now there is now way in h - e - double hockey sticks I want to be pregnant again or go through that whole mess, so I'd decided the only way to get a new baby is through adoption.
A little back story for you...
I have been forbidden from watching any tv shows about Russian or Chinese (or any foreign (or domestic for that matter - they just don't do shows on USA babies who need to be adopted - and they should!)) babies in need of adoption. It is really for my own good, as I tend to call Osto in near hysterics (especially one time when I just had a baby and one time when I think I was pregnant) and proclaim all the reasons we needed to save an orphan child across the globe.
No, I decided I would have to adopt someone locally, a pretty little girl with blond hair. I've been looking for a few months, and I finally found her. So we drove across state to meet her. Of course, it was love at first sight - not just for me - but for the whole family.
I'm sure you'll agree, she is just beautiful and fits right in with the family. Meet our new baby, Marley - she is just six weeks old.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Condo for Sale
Do you love the sunshine state? Do you love to golf? Are you interested in a well-maintained condo at a great price? Then I have a deal for you!!!
Check it out by clicking here.
Check it out by clicking here.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Weekend Update
Happy Monday! The weekend flew by in a flurry. We finally have new carpet! Friday we spent the afternoon and evening getting things back to quasi-normal. I met my girlfriend for dinner at the Olive Garden so it was a nice break.
Saturday was more moving stuff in from the garage. It is amazing how much "stuff" we have. We made a pile to donate and junked the junk. No use bringing it back in. I feel like my new decorating scheme is clear plastic bins. These are a blessing (you can see what is in them) and a curse (because they remain organized for only anano second). Anyways, things are good in the basement respect.
Saturday was also the Pinewood Derby, where T-Bird placed third in the whole PACK! Osto was beaming as much as Bird. Bird designed a black car with a pirate theme, and is now the proud owner of a giant trophy! Fun times.
Saturday we hit one of our favorite local restaurants with Jennabear and George for a nice dinner and lots of laughs and adult conversations. I love date night!
Sunday was family time at Brother Osto's. We had a birthday celebration for my neice and me.
Happy 13th birthday Riley. You are growing into a beautiful young woman.
Also want to say congratulations to my cousin Meaghan on her wedding this past Saturday in Florida.
Saturday was more moving stuff in from the garage. It is amazing how much "stuff" we have. We made a pile to donate and junked the junk. No use bringing it back in. I feel like my new decorating scheme is clear plastic bins. These are a blessing (you can see what is in them) and a curse (because they remain organized for only anano second). Anyways, things are good in the basement respect.
Saturday was also the Pinewood Derby, where T-Bird placed third in the whole PACK! Osto was beaming as much as Bird. Bird designed a black car with a pirate theme, and is now the proud owner of a giant trophy! Fun times.
Saturday we hit one of our favorite local restaurants with Jennabear and George for a nice dinner and lots of laughs and adult conversations. I love date night!
Sunday was family time at Brother Osto's. We had a birthday celebration for my neice and me.
Happy 13th birthday Riley. You are growing into a beautiful young woman.
Also want to say congratulations to my cousin Meaghan on her wedding this past Saturday in Florida.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
How do you spell relief?
We headed north to the family cottage for some much needed R&R. What can be better than spending time with people you love at someplace near and dear to your heart? Add to that great food (Dad's freshly caught perch + fried potatoes; Mom's guacamole; my meatballs; Don's homemade waffles; bday cake and every snack in between), freshly fallen snow, lots of snowmobiling, card games, and lots of laughter. It really was beautiful up there with TONS of snow.
I feel better. The proverbial storm cloud has passed on by. On Wednesday we will have new carpet and can hopefully piece things back together in the basement. Life does go on doesn't it?
I feel better. The proverbial storm cloud has passed on by. On Wednesday we will have new carpet and can hopefully piece things back together in the basement. Life does go on doesn't it?
Be still sad heart and cease repining;
Behind the clouds the sun is shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
into each life a little rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.
- Longfellow
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