It has been 10 years since Osto and I had our first puppy - a wedding present we named Maggie. It's funny how you forget what it is like having one around, it really is like having a baby. Marley is so funny and sweet. Puppy breath and puppy feet and sharp little puppy teeth. I could just eat her up. She is also up in the middle of the night full of piss and vinegar wanting to play at 3 am. Osto and I are playing the ol' "your turn" game. She also likes to eat with one or more of her feet in the food dish!
Today, Osto had to go meet some friends for lunch so he "puppy proofed" our laundry/bath room and locked her in. She was there for about two hours by the time I got home. I could hear her crying when I came in the house. So much for puppy proof! She pulled the duct-taped cardboard down and finagled her way around my washer and dryer - it looked like a dust bunny exploded in there! She knocked over a mop which blocked the door making it difficult to even open the door. Finally when I could get in, all I could see was her rear end sticking out from between the wall and the dryer. Somehow she had managed to get herself stuck in a wooden clothes dryer that was in the crevice. She cried like a baby. She wasn't hurt, just scared and needed to be held for a good 20 minutes after that episode! Poor baby. Needless to say, we've got her crate fixed up so she will be safe and sound the next time she has to stay home.
All in all, I think she is adjusting to her new "pack" and liking having all the kids around to play with - big and small!
This evening, the Chooch fell asleep and I took this cute shot of him and Marley. 
Hey Amy, Ask Matt if he remembers what happened to Maxi as a puppy when we put her the basement.....
Before long, that puppy will have you all trained a little better:)
Nothing better than puppy breath!
You just have to love a Lab, they are the best! nannie
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