Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Who would you?

Since it is the last day of my pseudo vacation and I haven't really "relaxed" I decided to spend part of it curled up with my warm puppy watching the Food Network. I have decided that I am in love with Tyler Florence. Or maybe it is his pork loin with chimichurri sauce, roasted potatoes with garlic aioli, fresh strawberries with sweet sour cream and red wine sauce that I fell in love with?

I love Osto and all, but I told him to his face I should have married a chef. Can you imagine someone cooking like that for you every night? I know I would weigh 200 lbs, but who cares!?

So I asked him who he would marry differently if he had free choice (by profession, not by specific person)? I suggested maybe a swimsuit model or a masseuse? He thought maybe a lesbian or a surgeon. HA! I guess we all have our priorities!

So what profession would you marry if you had your choice?


Anonymous said...

Osto would marry a lesbian or a surgeon? Please explain

Anonymous said...

Sex or Money.....

Anonymous said...

Sex or Money.....

Crystal said...

a therapist who has a massuese business on the side. and also a rockband.

GRPOA said...

I would have married a rich hot philantrophist novel writer....Oh wait, I WOULD HAVE MARRIED THE GIRL IN TOMB RAIDER....She is hot and has a lot of earnings from the game!
