Last weekend, we had a visit from my uncle Don and cousin Curtis. They were in town for a crew
regatta on the Grand River. Curtis crews for a team from Ann Arbor Huron and this was my first upclose experience with the sport. It was really interesting and a beautiful sunny April morning, perfect to cheer on the hundreds of kids participating in the races. Curt's team creamed the competition in their first heat, but didn't place in the finals. Overall, the Hurons finished a close 3rd.
News FLASH! Curtis is in the Novice class and they were in the final heat and Won the Men’s Novice eight class by just 2-3 feet. It was really close. Once Curtis and the other crew members got into shore they were very pleased with their effort. Curtis gold a gold metal for 1st place.
That is awesome! Way to go Curtis! I'm really proud of you.
Yeah Curt, great job, Love ya, Auntie Pat
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