Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back at it

September always brings the end of summer, the end of the laze and the start of the craziness called back to school. Seems especially busy this year but in a good way. Happy to have my kids engaged, involved, and inspired to be part of something bigger than the world they know. Once they get over that fear of the unknown, they always soar! I guess we adults should take a cue from them huh?

I'm going to be an activity leader at church, which is scary in itself, right? Especially when you consider the audience is 7th and 8th graders! I will probably get more out of it than they do, so that is a reward in itself.

Find peace!


Anonymous said...

You are a good example for your children.....go get em girl

Anonymous said...

You'll do fine , dig deep into those religion classes you had at Faith, they will love you, your fun, and not hard to look at which is kind of fun with 7th and 8th grade boys especially! Nannie