Saturday, December 05, 2009

Thanksgiving in Florida

This Thanksgiving we were blessed to return to Florida, this time with the entire Osto family in tow. We celebrated our first Thanksgiving together (usually we are flung all across the country this time of the year)! We went to Seaworld, the beautiful beach at Siesta Key, and Universal Studios. The weather was cool and rainy at the beginning, but improved by week's end and we finally enjoyed that southern heat we were seeking! The coaster enthusiasts amongst us enjoyed the Kracken, Manta, Hulk, Dueling Dragons, Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket, and many more fun thrill seekers! We loved the shows and Spiderman with its awesome 4-D effects, the Mummy and Men in Black. Chooch and Nana rode lots of the kiddy rides and little coasters (thanks Nana)! (and some of us were excited to see the beginning stages of the Hogwarts due to open in the spring).

Most of all we loved spending time with Nana and Papa, where the grandkids drove the golf cart and swam in the rain and hunted for alligators. The four "big" kids enjoyed our nightly peace and quiet thanks to the Masters, who generously allowed us to use their home. All in all, more great memories!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a once in a lifetime Thanksgiving. I LOVED it....
We are truly blessed as a family.