Saturday, January 09, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Happy New Year! Wow, can it really be 2010?
I love a new year, everything is so fresh and shiny and new! Full of possibilities!
2009 had lots of fun travel, great family times, some personal accomplishments and more making it a pretty good year overall.

So what will 2010 bring? January brings flag football for the Chooch and a trip to the north for Osto's bday with no kids(!). Big plans...not so sure. I think they will have to do with staying in the state, saving money, home improvements and maybe a big garden. Of course there is always the eat better, work out more, feel better stuff (but I don't count that)!

I'd love a getaway with Mom, more time with my girlfriends and ski trips with the kids. Most of all I hope 2010 brings little to no drama (unless it is the lotto winning kind) and just the small successes of daily life that make me feel good!

All the best to you in the new year! I hope your dreams come true!

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